Friday, January 11, 2013

Colombian Style Roast Chicken - Pollo Pucalor

Dover, New Jersey is a few towns over from where I stay. It's become a bastion for Hispanic immigrants. The restaurants in downtown are mostly Colombian with a few Mexican sprinkled here and there. One that seems to always be hopping is Pollo Pucalor. It's rotissiere chicken done Colombian style.

We got there right in time and were seated. We both ordered the special Colombian plate. The place smelled delicious and we were excited to try the chicken. When the plates arrived, they were heaped with food - fried platanos, rice, beans, arepa - a Colombian corn cake, a huge slab of pork, and surprisingly a small piece of chicken.  While the portion of chicken was a disappointment, the flavor was good and gently flavored. The pork was nice and crispy- too tough for CK. The platanos were fried perfectly and served as a delicious, sweet dessert.

I'd try this place again, but next time I am just ordering chicken or a chicken plate. Judging from the long, steady line of customers -93% Hispanical- the chicken must be good.

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